

The gallery is located in a bright space around the corner from the main square and is open most Thursdays and Fridays, some Saturdays and by appointment. Welcome by to experience our collection of curated decorative arts, design and antiques.

December gallery hours
Thursday dec 12 (Lucia) 11–14
Friday dec 13 13–18
Saturday dec 14 11–16

Thursday dec 19 13–18
Friday dec 20 11–18
Saturday dec 21 open by appointment

Closed dec 22 – jan 6

Exceptions do occur (small child :)), see instagram for latest updates.

Not able to make it during regular hours? The gallery is open by appointment all days of the week, including evenings and weekends.

For inquiries:
or call +46(0)70 - 491 18 96


Decorative Arts & Design


SvD Perfect Guide

SvD Perfect Guide

Our previous home publiced in A Perfect Guide, the weekend magazine of Svenska Dagbladet, a leading newspaper in Sweden. I shared my thoughts on wh...

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